My Projects
Asteroid Game

This is a 2D game similar to the classic "Asteroids", I made this project to learn about the "Unity" and the C# language, I continued to add features and turned it into a semi complete game. find project Link below Github Link
you can also Download Game Form this Link (Make sure your browser supports WebGL) Download

WackyBreakout Game

This is a 2D game that almost all of us played when we were young, I Created this game to learn how to draw assets and use it in Unity, I programmed it in C# and using Unity, I started from scratch, I made the 2D models for the game, and wrote the code. you can find project in link below Github Link
you can also Download Game Form this Link (Make sure your browser supports WebGL) File

OhShump Game

A simple 2D Game, I programmed it in C# and Unity, I made it to learn about building games and creating game assets and working with Unity. You Can Find Project in this link you can also Download Game Form this Link (Make sure your browser supports WebGL) Download

Make Wael Happy Game

This game was made for Game Development Course, it was required that I program it using C# and Unity, It was the real entery point to My Programming Career. You Can Find Project Link below Github Link
you can Also Download game From this Link Download

ContosoCrafts Website

This is the project for ASP.NET Core course, Built using C#, ASP.NET Core and Rzore Technology for Backend, HTML, CSS, Bootstrab Javascript and JQuery for frontend. you can find project in link below
Github Link

SignalR Real-time Chat Project

This project present how the real time works with SignalR, Real-time communication is important for some reasons and SignalR is a simple and easiest way to push data asynchronously to the client. find project in link below
Github Link

Quiz Game for students with special needs

this project started with request from one of my relatives for his job requirments but not Completed for some resons, Programmed using C# and Unity while creaing it i realize that quiz games shoud be build as an application not a game. you can find Like below
Github Link

Core Bot With Microsoft BotFramework

This Project was made to test and work with Microsoft Bot Framework, after Finished this project I understand how Microsoft Bot Framework works with ASP.NET Core and Learnde how to create Dialogs with user after Authentication. You can find Project Link Below
Github Link